Refer Your Patient for a Swallow Study
Current Customers: Use this button below to refer your patient for a swallow study.

Dysphagia Diagnostics on Demand
Our mobile swallow diagnostics come directly to patients at your existing healthcare location.
Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluations of Swallowing
Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluations of Swallow “FEES” is a gold-standard swallow testing useful to determine the presence or absence of dysphagia, characterize swallow deficits, and make treatment recommendations.
We proudly partner with existing healthcare locations to bring FEES directly to your patients onsite!
Less than satisfied with hospital-based swallow studies?
We estimate that the total cost to a SNF for a hospital-based study is $800-$1,200, including the test itself and transportation costs. That’s expensive! Beyond monetary cost, there are often other draw-backs: a complicated referral process, long wait times (three weeks to two months), the logistics of arranging transportation, lack of exam customization to specific patient needs, and limited support after exam.
Hospital-based swallow studies:
Our onsite swallow studies might be a better option for you!
We offer our swallow studies for a third to a half the cost of a hospital-based swallow study, with no hidden or surprise fees. Our referral process is simple and straightforward, our turn-around times are fast (usually ? 48 business hours), our exams are customized to the needs of the patient, and our post-exam administrative support is unlimited.
Our onsite swallow studies:
How would onsite swallow studies revolutionize your practice?
FEES can:
We look forward to hearing from you!
We want to partner with your to provide onsite swallow studies at your existing healthcare location!
Serving all of west-central lower Michigan